
Office life..

Oh Nooo...i had gained weight during my office life...
just keep sit and ate my dinner late...
i should control myself from now..>.<

Now left than 1 month time that i stay at LPO...
i think i will miss those seniors and my manager..
they treat me nice and willing to teach me alot of things..
especially Mr Aw..He like to asked me help him settle queries with our accounting depr., outsider accountant and asked me called client to confirmed somethings...
at first i really had no dare to call client and he keep said you can do it..just do it..
after that i just know that he want to train me dare to face client...
he want me to be strong and independent...Thanks alot Mr. Aw...

today is 5/8/2012...
London Olympic Men's Single Gold Medal Match for Badminton today!
Hope LCW can get the Gold Medal back to Msia...
Must support him tonight!