
funny question cases...

i got a housemate is study law in mmu...
2day she got a paper of final...
when she cum bek she tell us a funny thing....
she said about the law question...
3 stupid + funny question...

1st question is about....
a boy names david,he waiting 4 his 3 fren,micheal,john,samuel...when they entry his room,david,as a pratical joke pulled out an imitation gun n pointed it at them...tis coz micheal to collapse n die...john think tat he was being attacked,took david`s hockey stick n hit david hand...david recorved but was unable to use his hand for a month..samuel felt very bad about wat had happend to micheal n bcum depressive...susie(samuel`s gf) everyday who eventually made sure tat samuel had his meals n medication...recently,she heard tat AIR ASIA was flying 2 australia n the fare was reasonable...she decided 2 go 2 a holiday without informing samuel bcoz she wan break from him..5 days ltr neighbour found samuel dead outside her apartment...

2nd question about...
vicky n robert is a pair of couple...vicky wan leaving robert,den robert bcum agitated n took his gun n shot at vicky`s leg..when he saw vicky pain,he felt bad n immediately called the ambulance...2 paramedics arrived,1 of them is vicky`s brother...when he saw vicky,he threatened robert by showing him his revelver,which cause robert 2 hv a temporary loss of memory...once in hospital,vicky 4got tell doctor about she was allergic 2 penicillin.the doctor gv he penicillin in the middle of the nite,vicky coughed blood n died peacefully...

3rd question is about...
saki n maki had borrowed $$ from ALONG...not knowing how 2 settle the debt,they decided 2 steal from the neighbour`s house...while they were deciding on wat items 2 steal,they heard a noise in the kitchen.a lady dressed in dark clothes appeared in front of them..maki hit her on her head wif a base ball bat...hearing the commotion,the owner of the house ran down the staircase...they didnt wan her 2 recognise them so they put a sack over her head until she stopped scraming.since the burglar alarm was very loud,smone alerted the police..when the police arrived they found the owner dead n the alady in black lying unconsciously on the floor...medical record show tat maki was suffering from down Syndrome while saki claims tat he was forced by the loan sharks who threatened 2 kill him if he rfused 2 assst maki...

tis 3 stupid + funny question really really very funny...
all of u got any idea 4 tis 3 question...

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